Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about The bleisure Cars.

How will I find The Bleisure Cars at the airport?
Our representative will be waiting with a board displaying your name at the arrival area. If you still can’t locate us?
Kindly proceed to the help desk at the airport and customer service will call us directly.
How do I change or cancel my reservation?
You can change or cancel your reservation anytime free of charge as you only make payment once the cars have been received. For any amendment or cancellation please email us at or WhatsApp at +2482547924 / +2482560443.
What kind of insurance do you provide?
We provide comprehensive insurance which covers the driver and the other party in the event of an accident.
Do I need to pay a deposit?
No deposit is required from us.
Ways of making payment?
You can pay by debit card, credit card, or by cash when collecting the car.
Are the vehicle Auto or Manual transmissions?
All vehicles at The Bleisure Cars are Automatic transmissions with the aim to ease your driving experience.

What you Should Know!!

• If not signposted differently the speed limit around Mahe is 40 km/h.
• Taxis are very expensive in Seychelles, so hiring a car is the best option to get around whilst on holiday on Mahe. Buses are available but their operation hours/frequencies are not always that accurate and reliable.
• Cars are driven on the left and priority for vehicles coming on your right.
• Payments can be done by debit, credit card, and in cash (Euro, USD, Pound Sterling, or Seychelles Rupees.
• In the event of an accident do not move your vehicle. Only move the vehicle when a police officer has given permission.
• Fuel in Seychelles for the car is unleaded.

Still have questions?

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.